Tips On How To Perform Love Handles Exercises The Right Way

By Andrew Michaels

Targeting stores of fat around the midsection is one of the most challenging aspects of any workout plan. This area is difficult to tone and unfortunately, some of the most common love handles exercises place an undue amount of strain on the neck and the lower back. Luckily, people can start seeing incredible results by simply tweaking their workout plans. With good form, sufficient repetitions and a willingness to stay committed, it is possible to get a smooth, attractive abdominal plane and sufficient core strength for avoiding a range of common injuries.

Develop Body Awareness

Before you start doing love handles exercises, you should learn more about your body and how your core muscles are designed to work. These sit at the center of your physique and are used to maintain proper posture, prevent back strain and protect the spine. If your core muscles lack tone, your waistline probably has a rounded and bulky appearance.

Taking the time to draw the core muscles in and then tighten them will help you to get better posture right away. Training yourself to engage your core muscles at all times will help you to target your abdominal muscles more effectively. This will also enhance your efforts to condition this area of the body, particularly your obliques.

Perfect Your Form

Whether you will be lying down while performing love handles exercises or doing these while standing, you must use good for. This will reduce the amount of stress that is place on your spine and your neck. The first thing to do is to engage your core muscles. You can do this by pulling the navel up and in towards your spine.

You might try imagining that there is a small cord or string on one side of your navel that is being pulled by someone standing behind you. These efforts will even improve your diagram breathing which is much better than breathing with the chest. If your love handles exercises include side bends, engaging your core will increase the efficacy of these movements.

Doing Love Handles Exercises While Prone

If you complete twisting crunches or other types of love handles exercises while lying on your back, you must keep a comfortable amount of space between your chest and your chin. If you do these while keeping the chin pulled into the chest, you will be forcing your neck to do the majority of the work. You can imagine that you have an apple tucked away her or you might even try holding a tennis ball in place. If you are not able to do either of these things, simply measure this space out by using your own fist.

One of the most vital things to keep in mind as you do love handles exercises is that you will need to fatigue your abdominal muscles. It certainly isn't a lot of fun to perform tons of repetitions and sets but this is the best way to get good results. Moving between a prone and standing position will help you to train your obliques in the most efficient manner.

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