Should Women Avoid Lifting Weights?

By Russ Hollywood

Should women lift weights in the gym? This is one of the most commonly asked questions in fitness circles and today you will find the answer. You'll also find out what supplements to take if you are a lady trying to build a lean, toned physique.

The world of exercise and fitness has moved forward incredibly quickly over the last twenty years. Every year there are new developments in sports supplements and training methods, as well as new scientific research on previously unproven theories. It's barely the same world we lived in just 20 yeas ago. Yet despite all of this, there are many people who still have the same mentality which was floating around health clubs and gyms two decades ago.

They'll tell you that you should stay away from protein powder because it will damage your kidneys. They'll lead to you believe you need to spend two hours per day on a treadmill to lose weight. They'll also have you believing that ladies need to stick to lifting pink, fluffy dumbbells for hundreds of repetitions to tone up. One thing is common in these individuals, and that is a lack of results. []

Thanks to the ongoing scientific research which is carried out many of the old wives tales about fitness have been confined to the 'myths' category. Unfortunately, there are so many people who are still stuck in those old ways that the new research tends to go unnoticed by the majority.

Lifting weights is great for weight loss. That may shock you because it goes against the old wives tales you may have heard in the past, but it is indeed 100% true. If you are a female trying to achieve a leaner, toned physique then lifting weights is better still.

But isn't it true that you'll end up looking like a bodybuilder?

Actually, you don't even need to be concerned about this issue. You see, obtaining a bodybuilding physique is a lifestyle that requires a 24 hour dedication every day. You cannot do it by simply picking up some weights and you cannot do it by accident. Otherwise, all your male friends would look like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Lifting is a crucial aspect of your training regimen if you desire to achieve the lean, ripped look shown by many of the female athletes at the 2012 Olympic Games.

One of the main reasons why females do not need to worry about packing on serious muscle mass is the relatively small amounts of testosterone contained within their bodies. This also lays to waste the myth that ladies must adhere to 20 or more reps per set. If you want to become stronger and leaner then you ideally should be lifting weights which push you to your limits, rather than being afraid of them.

Try to stick to compound movements such as squats, deadlifts, bench presses and lat pulldowns for the first couple of months. This will allow you to significantly increase your strength, while keeping your weight sessions relatively short as you ease yourself into your new lifting lifestyle.

Supplements are often over complicated but in truth the key is in the name. It is there to supplement a good diet and exercise program, not replace it. So keep things simple with a good whey protein product and possibly a creatine monohydrate to boost explosive strength when you train.

Learning what supplements to take is nowhere near as difficult as it's sometimes made out to be. If your diet and exercise routine is good then you can get great results without needing to take dozens of pills throughout the day! So, should women lift weights? Absolutely.

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